hiii hello. this is one of my corners of the internet ^__^ glad ur here

▸ home ◂

▸ about me ◂

▸ blog ◂

▸ videos ◂

▸ pics ◂

▸ my cd collection ◂

▸ other places im at on the www ◂

now playing: i've got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers by fall out boy

0:00 ─〇───── 4:07

⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻


but almost finished i swear haha ^__^

site started:

29 june 2021

thank you for visiting, come again soon! :)

feel free to go through the sidebar links - most r done! i am leaving the homepage till last. <3

BEST VIEWED ON DESKTOP .. will probs be broken a bit on mobile